ReNew - First steps towards church growth
ReNew is a video-based learning resource to help us think through Bible principles and practical steps towards revitalisation. It is part of the "Growing Churches" Revitalisation Project jointly run by GLO, Counties and Church Growth Trust. ReNew was produced by Simon Ladd who has had over 35 years of experience in church leadership, serving in a variety of local churches in SE England. Drawing on both his own experience and that of those with whom he has served, ReNew is a tool that can help you, as a leader, think through the regrowth possibilities in your local church.
The course has an introduction and then 5 main sessions:-
1. Get real
2. Change
3. Mystery Shopper
4. What is a church?
5. Vision, Mission and Strategy
To join the course, write renew as the "enrolment key" below.