Registration for Tilsley Academy will follow the completion of an application form and payment methods.
After acceptance of the application, access to the Tilsley Academy platform will be granted via an email to the address the student provided. The applicant can then refer to themselves as a Student of Tilsley Academy (STA). Guidance may be offered about initial courses that may be suited to the new Student of Tilsley Academy.

Accessing Courses

All new Students (STA) will have access to all courses that are at Level 100. Level 200 and 300 courses will be accessible only on completion of the relevant 100 level course as a pre-requisite. Each course has an enrolment key which when applied gives access to the course content. All available courses will be visible to every STA in the academy’s Course Directory.
Having selected a Level 100 course, the student is required to complete the course within the required timeframe allocated (Deca course, 90 days; Duo course, 30 days). On completion, the Student will be awarded the relevant TA badge, and hours will be logged against the student's account towards becoming an Assoicate of Tilsley Academy.
On completion of a course, Students may choose other courses as they please from the 100 Level or from 200/300 level if they have completed prior pre-requisite courses. On completion, the points and badges will be applied to the student's account.
Accumulation of badges is at the discretion of each Student (STA).

Specialised Courses

Some specialised courses may be included in Tilsley Academy that require a cohort of students to study together, for example, Learning to Lead. When a student seeks to enrol on such a module they will be informed of the need of a cohort. Once the required cohort numbers apply, the tutor will contact the Student and release an enrolment key to them. Students could encourage peers to apply together in order to reach cohort numbers quickly. Specialised courses may have more tutoring input than others and may require adherence to a mutually agreed timetable of tutor groups.

How much does it cost?

Tilsley Academy does not charge students per course. Instead, we encourage you to continue learning through our platform by asking you to donate on a yearly basis. This will give you access to as many courses as you like over the course of one year and in the time available to you. Some courses will be restricted because the need some prior learning within the Academy; so, for example, you could not take a 201 level course when you have not taken its 101 equivalent.  There may also be courses that are restricted to a cohort learning environment, so they would need several people to sign up before we release the enrolment key. Otherwise all courses are available for an annual donation.

The guidance for an annual donation for one calendar year at Tilsley Academy is only £25.00.

It is possible to negotiate other donation amounts for larger groups of people, say from a local church, or from a mission organisation. In that case, please contact us for further information at

If you would like to donate to the work of Tilsley Academy then please contact us or simply make a payment through the bank details provided below. This ministry is dependant upon the generosity of God's people for its upkeep.

Payment and bank details

Electronic Transfer

This is now widely available through Internet Banking Systems and is a simple method for remitting funds to Tilsley Academy. When you give, we ask you to notify our Finance Director first by mail at <>.

 Your payment should quote our bank details (given below) and should also include your name as the donor.  
     Please ensure you mark your donation as "Tilsley Academy".

From a non-UK Bank Account

Name: GLO Trust Scotland
IBAN: GB57 BOFS 8009 1500 4006 36 BIC:  BOFSGB21093

From a UK Bank Account

Name: GLO Trust Scotland
Sort Code: 80-09-15
Account Number: 00400636

Alternatively you can pay through PayPal or a bank debit/credit card:

Tilsley Academy donation guide