Our world is facving a leadership crisis at every level - in government, commerce and society at large. The church is no exempt from these challenges and cries out for a new generation of men and women willing to come forward and pick up the leadershiop baton. This is why 'Leadership Matters' is part of the Tilsley Academy curriculum.  Church leaders face many new challenges in the world we live in today, so drawing on the experience and expertise of a other leaders in these courses will offer added wisdom, practical advice and biblical insights for busy elders, for church leaders, and youth leaders. 

Tilsley Academy courses on leadership matters aims to encourage the pursuit of excellence and prepare leaders for the challenges of an ever changing world. 



Yesterday's styles of leadership will not be adequate for the opening decades of the twenty-first centruy. The future is too unpredicatable for the predetermined parameters once provided by long-range planning. The church... has to learn the skills of just-in-time planning as well as the creation and consideration of alternative scenarios.
Eddie Gibbs, Leadership Next (2005, p. 29)

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